Deceased; RIP
Current Team
There came a day, much like any good story goes, when a band of heroes came together to help each other out in a time of crisis to help save people and in turn, do something greater than themselves individually. This team swore on their first day to 'challenge' themselves each and every day to do their best to help humanity, to help progress the benefits of mankind and to help those in need. With a resounding "Challenge Accepted!", the Challengers were born.
Nearly a decade ago, Major Deej, a superhero of New York City's Brooklyn district, one day, was faced with an epic problem, trying to solve how to stop a nuclear bomb from going off in New York City. He knew about the bomb, but had no idea (or resources) to track down its location, or for that matter, stop the bomb from going off once found. Add to that, the Major was expecting to face off with over 100+ deadly robotic guards whenever he did find the bomb. As such, Major Deej reached out to his contacts, pleading with them to help him out. In less that an hour, a band of selfless heroes came forward to help him out. Major Deej told them that this was going to be quite the challenge for all of them, but nonetheless, the heroes didn't waiver. In the end, with the exception of one superhero who died in this endeavor (a man that was given the hero name "Captain Challenger" minutes before his unfortunate death), this new band of "Challengers" not only survived and formed the super-group, but saved the city by defusing the nuclear bomb and stopping those responsible.
Over the years, the Challengers became an iconic centerpiece of the superhero community (think Justice League, Avengers, etc.). Their righteous battles, struggles, endeavors and challenges were and are still perceived as the stuff of legend. New York state helped to fund and build a base for them on Staten Island, wherein, shortly thereafter, a non-profit fund was created by an 'anonymous donor' to also build an adjacent museum and memorial park (the first-ever cemetery exclusively for a superheros and/or support members).
Many heroes 'cut their teeth' in learning how to be a superhero by being in the Challengers at one time or another. Most went on to do other things; some weren't able to keep up with the constant barrage of 'challenging' missions and adventures the team took, but in the end, the Challengers is considered the most untarnished super-group ever in the world.
Today, the Challengers, still led by Major Deej, now with a fantastic mix of new and veteran heroes, continue their day-to-day challenge of doing what they do best - challenge that which needs to be challenged!
Previous Team Members (Reservists)
These are people/beings who have officially earned the title of being an Honorary Challenger, an Ex-Challenger or a Reservist.
Honorary=Gold Ex-Challenger=Grey Reservist=Red
In Memorium
Reserved for those that died as a Challenger and/or are interred at the Challengers Memorial Park.
There are more to be added to this section. Stay tuned.
Honorary=Gold Challenger at time of death=Grey Reservist at time of death=Red
Challengers HQ, Museum & Memorial Park
Staten Island, New York USA
Open to the public for (priced) tours Mon-Fri: 12pm to 5pm, Sat: 10am to 6 pm
Closed on all federal holidays. Museum Pricing available at Challengers Tours Website.
NOTE: Challengers HQ, Museum and Memorial Park may be subject to closing or evacuation at any time.