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Fight! Fight! Fight!Unknown
00:00 / 03:27


Starting as early as 2010, a violent and highly organized group of anarchists began to infiltrate peaceful or benevolent planned protests all around the world. They were initially thought only to be simple anarchists, but after FBI and INTERRPOL investigations uncovered some disturbing levels of crowd manipulation, staging of violent 'weapons of opportunity', and an undecipherable complex communications network amongst the anarchists, it quickly became understood there was more to this than simple violent or angry protestors.


The organization's name was decoded as 'Acrimonious'; a codename originally used to identify cells of these organized anarchists that were activated when it came time to perform violence at non-violent organizational protests. Their members, thusfar, have displayed training in anti-riot tactics, utilization, procurement and staging of 'non-violent' weapons (according to whatever local or national jurisdictions the Acrimonious is in), and are geared and garbed to protection themselves against any and all forms of deadly force.  They are also trained in martial arts defense and offense, as well as skills in dodging and eluding capture. The 'Acrimonious' network or trained members, prior to infiltrating a protest, actually go around before the protest and 'plant' weapons of opportunity (including cans of gasoline, Molotov cocktails, pallets of bricks, piles of rocks, etc.) on or near the site, thus having their 'weapons of choice' already on site, instead of having to carry them in and be seen with said weapons.


Several lieutenants in the Acrimonious have been arrested, interrogated and charged in the past decade, all of whom gave great details to the police (and some superhero groups) of their organization's power, breadth and violent intentions, only to which each Acrimonious Lieutenant was usually bailed out of jail (sometimes with bonds as high as in the millions of dollars) and then usually found days later in an alley or floating down a river - dead.


In the last four years, Acrimonious has redoubled their efforts, turning innocent protests into massive violent riots, burning buildings and attacking any organization promoting order (police, churches, superheroes, etc.).  Their actions have gotten bolder, and new evidence has identified they are now also running a 'disorder' and 'protection' racket to profit. Street gangs can hire Acrimonious to create chaos and rioting away from the street gang's turf, causing the police and authorities to instead amass at the Acrimonious' riot site, allowing the hiring street gang to 'go after' a rival gang with absolutely no police interference.  As for 'protection', they demand money from businesses (not under street gang control, usually chain stores and businesses) or a fabricated riot will break out and their store (or building manager) will lose the store (building) either through mass looting, fire or destruction.  As such, its estimated that Acrimonious' worldwide effort, with over 200 gang cells around the world, has made nearly $2 billion annually for their violent actions and services.


This last year, supergroups in their non-secret bases all over the world have been targets of Acrimonious.  Usually a rival villain organization, anti-government and/or local gangs 'pay' to have Acrimonious attack the supergroup base, leaving a line of wanton destruction...and looting of the base of its (usually) expensive and high-tech equipment and materials.  This has led to supergroups, especially the Peacekeepers, to refocus on Acrimonious more than what the police have been able to...leading to more bad press and disdain for the heroes 'beating down' common men and women and 'peaceful protestors'', all displayed on social media sites and videos, leading to bad press and a negative reputation for the beleaguered hero groups; groups that Acrimonious is happy to see fall apart and disbanded, after all, the less superhero groups out there, the more opportunities Acrimonious has to cash in on the chaos and destruction.






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Their bases are divided into Acrimonious Cells. There are hundreds of them worldwide.

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