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A 'Street Gang' is a membership-only group made up of children, teenagers and/or adults not to exceed 50 gang members. Any group or Street Gang with more than 50 members constitutes its own entry "Gang" entry, benevolent or otherwise.


Click on any of the images below to access a city/region street gang list.  These Street Gangs are not reflective, representative, nor associative of any existing or defunct gangs in the real world in any respective manner.


Street Gangs

Gangsta's ParadiseCoolio
00:00 / 04:01
Street Gangs of Boston Logo.png
Street Gangs of Detroit Logo.png
Street Gangs of Houston TX Logo.png
Street Gangs of Los Angles Logo.png
Street Gangs of London Logo.png
Street Gangs of New York Logo.png
Street Gangs of SF-Oakland-Chinatown Log
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