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Non-Profit organizations are just that - not made to make money, however, most non-profits gain funds through contributions and/or donations (much like the American Red Cross).  Non-profits are usually manned by unpaid volunteers, however, of late, the new way of doing things is paying non-profit organizational executives multi-millions via annual paychecks.


Charities are 100% non-profit and 100% volunteer run (much like the Salvation Army and United Way). Most charities are for the poor, disenfranchised or those in need of medical support.  Just as with non-profits, charities are usually manned by unpaid volunteers, and again, of late, the new way of doing things is paying charity organizational executives multi-millions via annual paychecks.


The following are non-profit organizations and charities unique to the MDU...

Hardcorps Logo.png
MDU Website Generic Charity Organization
Triple Goddess symbol.png
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