Major Drahtzieher
Major Drahtzieher II
Wolfgang Wagner
United States/Villain
early 20s
Karl/Carl Heisner (Great Grandfather, deceased)
Valerie Wagner (mother)
William Wagner (father)
4 unknown brothers and sisters
Wolfgang Wagner, the great grandson of the original World War II Nazi spy code-named: Major Drahtzieher, was born in Chicago, Illinois, in the United States in 1996. Wolfgang grew up home-schooled by a neo-nazi group located west of Chicago. There, he lived on a compound with over 100 neo-nazi and antisemitic brethren. There, Wolfgang learned hate, bigotry and most important to the group, how to prepare for the coming of the next Reich.
Wolfgang's father, William Wagner, was a known descendant of Karl Heisner. Wolfgang's mother, Valerie, was a devoted neo-nazi woman who believed her place in the order was to make babies; lots of young, strong babies for the future of their new Reich.
Wolfgang's father, William, was considered the most die-hard neo-nazi amongst the group. He had a shaved head and was a weapons fanatic and a neo-nazi school teacher (Wolfgang's teacher, as a matter of fact). On a wall in the compound was a sealed display case the Drahtzieher Ring and a long letter detailing the glory of the Third Reich and Adolph Hitler. Wolfgang grew to love the Nazi mentality and by the time he was a teenager, he went out with the group to perform Neo-Nazi rallies and protest again anyone not being a Caucasian, Christian human being.
One day in 2015, on his 18th birthday, Wolfgang knew he was going to be given a 'special' present that, supposedly, belonged to his great grandfather - the Drahtzieher Ring, the one on display in the group compound's main assembly room Wolfgang was so excited, his heart was pumping faster than ever just thinking about inheriting the ring. Looking at the ring with his nose against the ring's display case, the ring began to glow a red hue...but just for a moment.
Surprised, Wolfgang looked at the ring again, placing his hand atop the glass directly above the ring, and once again the ring began to glow a bit. Wolfgang didn't know what to think, other than maybe if was the ghost of his great grandfather, Karl Heisner, trying to talk to him...or reach out to him. Without thinking, Wolfgang opened the display case and put the ring on his finger. A thousand flashes of his great grandfather's past seemed to pour through Wolfgang's head in less than a second, causing Wolfgang to fall to the floor, stunned.
A fellow neo-nazi skinhead entered the room and demanded to know what Wolfgang thought he was doing, taking the ring out of the case. Wolfgang, in a haze, tried to tell him, but words failed him. The skinhead pulled Wolfgang to his feet and looked at him with a crazed look and said, "I don't care WHO your father is, that ring is OURS!! Now, PUT IT BACK, boy!!".
Wolfgang, trying to distance himself from the skinhead, told him "Go to Hell!!". The ring glowed and the skinhead doused himself with a can of kerosene fuel and lit himself on fire, screaming to be taken to Hell. Others ran into the room to douse the flames, but the burning skinhead was already dead.
William, Wolfgang's father, asked Wolfgang what had happened, only for Wolfgang to say that the man went crazy and lit himself on fire. William saw the display case opened and the ring on Wolfgang's finger. Angrily, William marched aggressively to Wolfgang and tried ripping the ring off of Wolfgang's finger saying it wasn't his to wear. Wolfgang ordered his dad to 'Get off!', which William did so immediately, standing motionless. Wolfgang then asked his father, "what do you know about this ring?", to which William desperately tried not to answer, but when pressed by Wolfgang again, William spewed a story for the next 1/2 hour about EVERYTHING that was the truth behind the ring, Major Drahtzieher, Adolph Hitler's execution of Karl Heisner, and the fake letter in the display case...and the location of the original, true message written by Karl Heisner back in 1945...located in William's safe in his office.
A stunned group of neo-nazis followed Wolfgang and his dad into the office, where Wolfgang ordered his father to open the safe and hand him the letter therein. William did so at his son's request, but not by was the mental control features of the ring Wolfgang was wearing - the Drahtzieher Ring.
After reading the 'true' 1945 message aloud, the group seemed stricken by the news that Hitler was out of his mind and that Baron Berlin and Heisner was actually trying to make Germany a true "Reichsland". The details of secretly having to save Heisner's and other family members even caused a few tears from those listening.
As a result of the message's contents, Over 40 skinheads and their family members packed up and left the compound immediately, never to return. The other 60 said they'd continue on with what William had made, but until a 'sign from God' showed up to tell them to do otherwise, they'd continue what the were doing, preaching Hitler's teachings.
Wolfgang now knew that Hitler was wrong and that his great grandfather and Baron Berlin were right. He packed his things, including the 1945 message, and drove out of the compound, never to return.
At Chicago's O'Hare International Airport, Wolfgang learned to use his ring's new powers by controlling others to give him money, tickets, luggage, free clothes and souvenirs and access through airport security. He booked a flight to the only place he figured his legacy began - Berlin, Germany.
In Germany, Wolfgang again used his powers to get whatever he wanted; an apartment, women, money, sports cars, you name it. Interestingly, this raised a few 'red flags' in INTERPOL and as such a task force was sent to find this young 'thief' who kept showing up on their security footage. Facial recognition provided no matches and as such, was listed as 'Criminal #241' in INTERPOL's unknown cases. During this same time, Wolfgang went about trying to learn about his great grandfather, Baron Berlin and Axis Force. The more he read, the more he like them. He now understood how insane Hitler was by the end of World War II and that if Baron Berlin had been in charge, the world would be a "Reichsland" unto itself.
It was a week after his landing in Berlin that he got his first clue - the Rheinmetall Waffe Munitions Factory, Harzgerode-Silberhütte, Germany. There, the TV news talked about the dozens of bloodless bodies found in the factory and the theft of millions of dollars of industrial equipment, weapons, computers, classified weapons plans and dozens of heavy vehicles were reported. The reporter mentioned that there were 'messages written in blood' on the factory walls, but they were covered up.
Wolfgang took off to Harzgerode-Silberhütte, Germany immediately.
Once there, he used the ring's power to get inside the factory and unveil the tarp-covered blood messages on the factory walls. It mentioned the return of Axis Force and Baron Berlin. Wolfgang, for the first time since before donning the ring, smiled a large smile.
The Baron was alive.
As he left the factory, a short 4'10' man in an overcoat bumped into Wolfgang. "My apologies, young sir; I'm a clumsy short man". Wolfgang immediately recognized the man as Axis Force's Stuka. Wolfgang whipped around and ordered Stuka to wait. Stuka, surprisingly, stopped, but couldn't explain why. When Wolfgang came around to talk to an obviously nervous Stuka, Wolfgang asked if he was indeed the real Stuka. Stuka tried to resist, but said, "YES! OF COURSE I AM!! WHO else do you know is a genius AND a dwarf, you fool!!!". Before Wolfgang could responded, he was hit from behind and knocked unconscious.
When Wolfgang awoke, he was tied to a chair...and no longer wearing the ring.
Before him stood Amell VonBattenberg AKA Baron Berlin. The Baron asked Wolfgang who he believed his great grandfather was, to which Wolfgang responded with the name Karl Heisner. The Baron then asked what Wolfgang's intentions were, which he quickly blurted 'to follow you to a true Germany - our own Reichsland!'. The Baron seemed amused at this, and then got up in Wolfgang's face and with a stern look, demanded to know if Wolfgang was ready to sacrifice everything to make Reichsland happen, to which, Wolfgang responded the affirmative.
Baron Berlin then showed the ring, now on Baron Berlin's finger. The Baron asked the same questions again, however, he told Wolfgang to 'tell the truth' this time. Wolfgang responded with the same affirmative responses. The Baron was pleased.
The Baron untied Wolfgang and over the next few hours, told him everything about Wolfgang's great grandfather, Axis Force's executions, the cryofreeze chambers, and their thawing out months ago. Wolfgang offered up all that he knew and even told about the neo-nazis outside of Chicago.
Over the next year, Wolfgang trained side by side with the best of the Axis Force troops and super-powered team...but without the ring. Baron Berlin kept the ring...but did not use it as expected. In a raid on a US Navy base to steal nuclear components, Wolfgang used his body to shield the Baron from a U.S. sniper shot. Axis Force got away and completed the mission, however, Wolfgang was hospitalized for weeks in recovery. Thanks to the team healer, Wolfgang was back in full order by the end of the month. The Baron, impressed with Wolfgang's zeal, offered the ring back, but only after a series of tests were to be performed.
One day, in an old bunker, Baron Berlin left the ring on a table in a sealed room with Wolfgang. He instructed Wolfgang through the intercom to test the ring's powers against his own fellow Axis Force members, get them to tell him the truth about where their loyalties lie and make them forget the entire conversation; should one say they were against the Baron or Axis Force, it would then be Wolfgang's duty to kill that person.
One by one, each Axis Force soldier, support person and 'hero' showed up in the room for questioning. All fell under Wolfgang's control; all answered with their undying loyalty to Baron Berlin and their Reichsland, that is...all but one - a support person.
The one support person was a plant from G.U.A.R.D. and has been trained for psychic attacks, but Wolfgang's psyche and ring were too powerful together. The undercover GUARD agent, realizing the jig was up, fought Wolfgang in hand-to-hand combat. At one point, the GUARD agent did a deadly crane kick, smashing Wolfgang's hand and ring up into his jaw, lodging the gem of the ring into a spot between the sinus cavity and the brain. Wolfgang was dying...but not out.
The gem's powers intensified as a result of the direct contact with Wolfgang's brain; Wolfgang was now blasting the GUARD agent with previously unused psychic powers, tearing apart the agent's mind until seconds later, she was nothing more than a mental vegetable. The Axis Force healer, realizing Wolfgang had seconds to live, repaired his wound, but in so doing, lodged the gem further into the brain, wherein extraction of the gem would most likely create permanent brain damage to Wolfgang.
After a day's recovery in the bunker hospital, Wolfgang awoke to see that Baron Berlin had been there all night, keeping watch on a father figure; a father figure who'd never done anything kind like that ever before to Wolfgang. The Baron awoke seconds later and with a kind smile, asked how Wolfgang was. For the next few hours, the two talked about what had happened, his new powers, what G.U.A.R.D. was, and of course what their new "Reichsland" would be like. At the end of the discussion, Wolfgang realized there was a folded set of clothes at the end of the bed. When he asked the Baron about them, he said, "It is your new uniform, Wolfgang. Welcome to Axis Force. Welcome to our new Reich. Welcome....Major Drahtzieher".
The next day, the entirety of Axis Force, all its supplies and weapons, its super-powered teammates - everything - left to support the "Nuremberg Revolution" in Nuremberg, Germany. There, Axis Force arrived in Nuremberg and took charge of the revolution and its weak grass-roots "New Reich Army" fanatics. Hours later, Nuremberg was renamed "Reichsland" and became its own city-state with Baron Berlin as its new Kaiser.
"Major Drahtzieher" made quite the impression during the revolution by confusing dozens of German soldiers to shoot themselves and even get four superheroes of the Teutonic League to fight themselves into unconsciousness.
Today, Wolfgang is a die-hard member of Axis Force. Several of the old Chicago neo-nazi skinheads traveled to Reichsland and volunteered (and got some seriously needed quality training), while Wolfgang's parents, William and Valerie, still maintained their depleted ranks in their old compound, still believing that Hitler was more right than Baron Berlin was. William and Valerie now have four new children since Wolfgang's departure.
Although Wolfgang can be vicious and intense, he is still a normal young man; a young man who respects family, however, he considers Axis Force and Reichsland as his TRUE family now.
Power Origin: Magic
He gained magical powers through the infusion of the Drahtzieher Ring's gem into the host's body.
Mind Control
Wolfgang can excellently confuse an enemy, forcing that foe to believe his friends are not who they appear to be. If successful, the enemy will ignore Wolfgang and attack their own allies.
If Wolfgang 'confuses' someone before he has noticed been noticed, his presence will continue to be masked.
Range 20 yards.
Painfully tears at the mind of a single foe. Dominate deals excellent Psionic damage and renders a foe helpless, lost in their own mind and unable to defend themselves.​​
Range 20 yards.
Mesmerize painfully assails a target with good psychic energy, rendering them unconscious. The target will remain asleep for some time, but will awaken if attacked.​
Range 10 yards.
Mass Hypnosis​
Hypnotizes a group of foes at a distance of 200 yards and puts them to Sleep. The targets will remain asleep for some time, but will awaken if attacked. This power deals no damage, but if done discreetly, the targets will never be aware of your presence.
This power terrifies foes within a cone area in front of Wolfgang, causing them to tremble in Fear uncontrollably. The effect is so frightening and overwhelming that the target takes physical damage from the physiological response to this good Psionic attack.​
Range 100 yards.
Psionic Assault
Psionic Dart
This basic attack does feeble Psionic damage, and can reduces a target's attack speed (can only perform one combat action in a 4-6 second period of time).​​
Mind Probe
​​Grips the mind of a single person for up to several seconds maximum; usually only uses it for brief 1-3 seconds.
Person must be within 5-6 feet of Wolfgang to make this work.
Uses this power to probe mind of a person without them knowing (unless target's psyche is more powerful) and 'read their mind' of what is IMMEDIATELY going through their head; cannot dig into past memories, etc., unless the target is actively thinking about said past memories.
Does not damage target or target's brain or psyche.
Subdue deals excellent Psionic damage and may leave the targeted foe held in place for a brief time (by taking over the target's muscle functions).
Held foes cannot move or attack for up to 10-12 seconds before Wolfgang has to attempt to re-subdue said target.​
Psychic Invisibility
Wolfgang is amazingly 100% shielded from all forms of extrasensory or psycho-sensory means or equipment to within a 50 mile radius of his location; even then, each 10 mile radius there-out only allows for an additional 10% chance of generalized detection (in other words, 'yes, we can sense him...within a 700 square mile radius!').
Energy Pistol
Produces typical energy damage to target.​
Range-200 yards
Powerpack provides 100 shots per pack.
Energy Pistol Powerpacks (4)​
Remarkable material strength​
2 days emergency supply of food/water​
Personal First Aid Kit​ (1)
Encrypted communication transceiver with alternation frequency ​algorithm.
Range - 100 miles
Psychology (Professional)
Wrestling (Proficient)
Martial Arts: Melee Fighting (Proficient)
Neural mapping/navigation (proficient)
Fascism History (proficient)
Race Car Driving (proficient)
Major Drahtzieher I
Karl (Carl) Heisner
early 30s
10 April 1945
Eva Heisner (wife, now deceased)
Adolph Heiser (son, now deceased)
Wilma Heisner (daughter, now deceased)
Wolfgang Wagner (Great grandson)
Karl (later changed to Carl) Heisner was born in Berlin, Germany in 1910 during World War I. His father was a manufacturer of medical supplies, providing a half-decent middle class lifestyle for his family even after World War I ended.
Karl was educated in private schools, all with Germanic roots to them. While attending the Friedrich Wilhelm University in Berlin, he met several influential professors and faculty members that leaned toward a more 'German-centric' form of government. Thanks to World War I, this mentality was commonplace throughout Berlin's four major universities. He quickly became friends with them and in the following years, became one of the first in the Nazi Party.
After achieving a Masters Degree in International Relations, his friends from college got him a job with the government in Berlin. At that time, the Weimar Republic was in charge, but with so many attempts by Prussians and Communists to take over the government, there was chaos everywhere. Heisner was asked to go to work for the Weimar Republicans and 'spy' on them and provide information to the slowly growing Nazi Party headed by Adolph Hitler, which Heisner was only too happy to do. As a result of his spying, the Nazi Party was able to counter any and all political attacks and agendas against them. Heisner was held in high regard for his work, and in 1933, with Adolph Hitler named as Germany's new Chancellor, the Third Reich came to be.
Heisner was installed in Hitler's SS Division as a Captain for his earlier work. His new job was to catalog and 'round-up' Jews throughout Germany. Although not the job he wanted, he of course did it well, identified over 25,000 Jews in and about Germany and Austria.
In one such encounter with a Jewish family in Bonn, Germany, Captain Heisner was interrogating a Jewish man about his origins, with the Jewish man's family standing next to him. At one point, Heisner told the man he had 24 hours to pack up his things and go to the train station to be 'relocated' to Munich with hundreds of other Jews. The Jewish man kept turning a ring over and over on his finger nervously. The ring was a large one, too large for the man's finger, and had what seemed to be a glowing red gemstone in it. Heisner asked about the ring, if was a family heirloom, to which the Jewish man abruptly stood up and order Heisner and his men to leave and forget about ever seeing them. Heisner strangely followed what the man said, as did the other SS personnel, however, as Heisner got to the door, he felt himself fighting through a mental haze; a haze that started as a result of the Jewish man's words. Breaking through the haze, he realized that the Jewish man had somehow controlled Heisner's own mind to do what the Jewish man asked.
Heisner, in a quick grip of fear, turned and shot the Jewish man in the head, killing him instantaneously.
The Jewish man's family screamed in horror, trying to help the man. Heisner shot each of them dead as well.
Moments later, the rest of the SS personnel came into the room feeling fuzzy and disoriented. They'd also been mind controlled.
Heisner looked down at the dead Jewish man's ring to see it was no longer glowing red.
Heisner pocketed the ring (without anyone seeing) and order the home and bodies burned.
Days later, Heisner took the ring and wore it himself. He felt a rush of power in his head, as if he was more focused now that he'd ever been. A old, spiteful secretary of Heisner barged into Heisner's office with a tray of coffee. Heisner yelled at her, telling her, for the last time, to knock before entering, for which she responded, "I have been here far longer than you; respect that, Captain!". Angrily, Heisner decided to test if the ring really could control minds, so, he told her to pour the coffee on her head, which she immediately did and ran out of the office screaming as a result of 2nd degree burns on her scalp and face. Later, he discovered she didn't even remember why she poured the coffee on herself and quit her position for 'medical reasons'.
After doing some deep research with a few old professors from the university, Heisner discovered he held a mythical ring called the "Drahtizeher (English translation: 'Mastermind') Ring" - a ring that account claim could allow the ring bearer to control the minds of people...and kill them with put a thought. The last time the ring had been seen was in a museum in France during World War I, where is was said to most likely been stolen or destroyed.
The ring could easily grant the him incredible power, even the power of Adolph Hitler himself. Heisner thought long and hard about it, and decided, in his years of spying and patience, that the ring was a tool, and not a direct ends to a means. Heisner decided to use the ring only to promote himself towards positions of power over time, and eventually, of all of Germany.
Over the next few years, Heisner excelled and quickly became a colonel in the SS...that is, until he met SS Colonel Amell VonBattenberg (AKA Baron Berlin). VonBattennberg, an SS Colonel, was onto Heisner and his quick rise to power and position. As such VonBattenberg had several 'meetings' with Heisner, trying to feel him out. At one point, Heisner believed he needed to use the ring to 'order' VonBattenberg to quit hounding him and instead accept Heisner as a superior, to which, amazingly, VonBattenberg said "Not likely".
This was the first time anyone had ever broken a mental control effort done by Heisner.
Heisner pressed the issue again, but concentrating even more, only for VonBattenberg to stand up and slap Heisner in the face, telling him, "you are a little man who thinks he has power over me and others. We shall soon see who has power over who, Herr Heisner. Now leave here before I have you imprisoned for disrespect to a senior SS officer!".
Heisner left and quickly realized that VonBattenberg's mental acuity was obviously far greater than Heisner's or the ring's. There were limits to the rings effectiveness.
A day later, Heisner was placed under a new command led by Colonel VonBattenberg, who was now code-named as "Baron Berlin" - the new command was a secretive tactical interdiction unit code-named "Axis Force". Heisner was stripped of his Colonel rank and made a Major for 'operational purposes' and told that he was to be sent out to London and Paris to supply intelligence to Baron Berlin AND ONLY Baron Berlin from that point forward. Baron Berlin made it abundantly clear that Heisner was NOT the only spy being sent and that other spies would be spying on him, spying on Britain and France. He demanded daily reports and always something reportable each day; any day's without any pertinent information would cause Baron Berlin to have a 'lapse of faith' in Heisner's abilities as a spy causing the Baron to permanently remove Heisner from the situation. To add to the threats, Baron Berlin also made reference to Heisner's parents and the fact that he'd hate to see anything happen to such devout parents.
Heisner was riled by the power play that Baron Berlin did, but he also did his research on VonBattenberg; if there was anyone who could backup his words, it was him. Even if Heisner controlled someone mentally to kill VonBattenberg, Heisner knew his parents and himself would be in great jeopardy.
Over the next few years and entering into World War II, Heisner was sent to dozens of locations with new false identities, disguises and positions allowing him to effectively spy for Nazi Germany. Although he hated Baron Berlin, he love the Nazi Party more, and as such, used his talents and his ring to become the best spy ever in Nazi Germany and the SS.
In 1942, Heisner was given a unique assignment by Baron Berlin to go undercover as an U.S. Army Major Jacob Smith, who was to be assigned as a classified communication specialist and translator for a secretive Allied special forces unit called the "Allied Fighters", headed by a Captain John Brown (AKA Captain (later, Major) Invader). For the next three years, Heisner reported every single day-to-day action of the Allied Fighters; their location, resources, weaponry, assignments, personal status...everything. This information caused multiple Allied Fighters missions to not only fail, but directly led to the deaths of several Allied Fighters in combat and dozens of Allied Fighter support team members and troops, not to mention hundreds of Allied troop movements and intel that was gleaned from the Allied Fighters classified briefings.
Baron Berlin used Heisner's daily spy reports to do as much damage to the Allied Fighters and the Allied forces as best he could. Sadly, Baron Berlin was NOT Adolph Hitler, and although the Baron demanded hundreds of tactical actions so as to counter and defeat the allies as a result of the intel Heisner provided, Hitler, most of the time, either ignored Baron Berlin's demands or outright countered them in front of the German military officers. Baron Berlin was pleased with Heisner's turnaround and quality of work, and apologized to Heisner, stating that 'if you and I (Heisner and Baron Berlin) were running this war, we'd have already won'. Heisner, at that point, felt a connection with VonBattenberg, and as a result, told VonBattenberg that he'd follow him any given day of the week (which Heisner, at that point, truly meant).
In mid 1945, Heisner was at a forward operations base in France with a then-very-pregnant Ms. Vindicator (bearing hers and Captain Invader's child). Ms. Vindicator was a bit of a busybody and as such, watched everyone like a hawk. In nearly three years, Heisner had never missed a daily report to Baron Berlin, but thanks to Ms. Vindicator snooping around and not leaving the office, Heisner was quickly realizing he was going to miss a deadline; a deadline where he still had to take secret photos of classified documents located next to Ms. Vindicator's desk. Try as he might, Heisner couldn't get her to leave with his natural skills, so, he used the Drahtzieher Ring ordering her to leave the office and go to bed.
Ms. Vindicator turned left the office without a word.
Heisner, with mere minutes left to the spy cache drop to be done, took a dozen microfilm pictures of the allied classified documents he needed...only to turn and see Ms. Vindicator standing over his shoulder. He'd been caught for the first time ever spying.
Panicking, Heisner pushed the pregnant Ms. Vindicator away, only for her to slam Heisner onto the desk, breaking his nose in the process. Ms. Vindicator called for security, but by that time, Heisner reached into his desk drawer, pulled out his assigned US service pistol and shot Ms. Vindicator four shot killing the baby instantly. Ms Vindicator, as she fell backwards, engaged her energy blasters to full and blasted Heisner and the entire back wall of the office with an incredibly powerful energy blast. Heisner laid stunned for a few seconds, burned, with a head injury and a broken arm. When soldiers entered the scene, Ms. Vindicator was already gurgling up blood, unable to speak. Thinking fast, Heisner told the soldiers that it was Baron Berlin who was trying to assassinate Ms. Vindicator, and pointed out past the destroyed wall in the direction the (made up) Baron ran off to.
By that time, medics and two other Allied Fighter superheroes showed up on scene to aid Ms. Vindicator. Heisner knew his spy mission was now compromised and as such, snuck out of the office, then the base, and made his way back to Nuremberg, Germany and the Axis Force HQ, using his ring to control allied soldiers to get him there safely, killing the soldiers, or having them kill each other, in the process.
Upon his return to Axis Force HQ, Baron Berlin applauded Heisner for one of the greatest assassinations he'd ever heard of and commended Heisner with his own code-name: Major Drahtzieher. This of course led to Heisner realizing that Baron Berlin knew about the power of the ring (since he mentioned the ring's name as part of Heisner's new codename), to which Baron Berlin simply tapped his ring finger, the same location Heisner wore his ring, with a look of 'I know what that is' in the Baron's visage.
As the Soviets were advancing from the east and the allies advancing from the west, Baron Berlin and all of Axis Force was ordered to come to Berlin. There, all of Axis Force's team members and support staff, including Heisner, were gathered into separate rooms to await personal orders fro Adolph Hitler himself.​
Heisner knew something was wrong. He felt the psychic emanations from the senior staff; something against Axis Force. At one point, Heisner shook hands with one of his best friends, an old college buddy, now a German U-Boat Commander, who was also there at the bunker. His friend had been kind enough to check in on Heisner's family from time to time to get them what they needed. He knew where they lived as well. Although the encounter was brief, Heisner still felt a heavy trepidation about the room.
He finally was able to get close enough to a guard to read his mind.
All of Axis Force was to be executed for Treason by order of Adolph Hitler himself.
Heisner was then marched into a bunker room and told to stay with an SS enlisted guard.
Heisner knew he couldn't get out of the bunker alive; too many corners, barriers and walls protecting the soldiers guarding the exits. He knew the extent of the ring's power, and knew if was too great of a gamble to use the ring's power to escape. Heisner was now more worried about his wife and their new child, knowing that punishment was usually meted out to family members as well.
Thinking fast, Heisner sat and wrote a message to his friend, the U-boat commander. In the message he told him to save their wives and children and to immediately leave on a U-boat for South America and to get them all to safety and scuttle the sub once there. He told his friend that he and his family would most likely be executed just for knowing the Heisners and that this was the only way for them and their families to survive the war, especially the expectation of the murder and rapes the Soviets would perform on the women of Berlin once they took over the city. He also stated the enclosed ring was to be given to his unborn child to remember him better by.
Heisner used the power of the ring one last time on the guard letting him to slip the message and ring into his friend's pocket and to forget he'd ever done so. Minutes later, the guard returned, took his post, and for a few seconds, seemed confused. The moment for Heisner and the guard was lost when four soldiers and an SS Major entered the room and read charges against Heisner, one of which, shocked him to his very core.
He was charged as a co-conspirator with Baron Berlin on stealing million of German Marks worth from the German people and the Fuhrer himself. He was also charged with falsifying his reports, stating that Ms. Vindicator was dead; she was alive and recovering in a United States hospital (note: no mention was made of the loss of Ms. V's baby). As such, Karl Heisner was to be stripped of his rank and taken to present himself before a firing squad immediately.
His jacket ripped off of him, Heisner was dragged up the bunker stairs to an open courtyard where several other Axis Force support team members were already dead by execution. As the firing squad executed Heisner, Heisner yelled his final act of defiance stating that he would one day show the world what a true German nation will be one day - Baron Berlin's vision - a new Reichsland.
Karl Heisner was executed by the German SS Division at 2302 in Berlin, Germany on 10 April 1945.
His body was burned in a mass pyre.
On an additional note, Eva Heisner was secretly transported that same night to an airfield where she and a handful of other Nazi women and children where shepherded to a U-boat, where several other German Naval families escaped onto and made way to Argentina. There, these families took new names and lived out the rest of their lives in secret until their eventual natural deaths.
Eva Heiser gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl, Adolph and Wilma Heisner (later secretly changed to Wagner). Adolph inherited his father's ring and was told, in great detail, the sacrifices his father did for the Fatherland and Hitler's eventual betrayal of the Third Reich.
Adolph later changed his name to Alex Wagner and eventually moved to the United States to start a new life; a life with the Drahtzieher Ring always in a ring box...and never worn by Adolph Heisner/Alex Wagner...ever. That ring, and the stories of his father, Karl Heisner, were handed down generation to generation, even to Adolph Heisner/Alex Wagner's grandson, Wolfgang Wagner.
Power Origin: Normal/Magical
He had no innate powers; all his powers are based on ring's gemstone.
Drahtzieher Ring
Mind Control
With the ring, the bearer can confuse an enemy, providing a good opportunity of forcing that foe to believe his friends are not who they appear to be. If successful, the enemy will ignore the ring bearer and attack their own allies.
If the ring bearer 'confuses' someone before he/she has noticed been noticed, his/her presence will continue to be masked.
Range 20 yards.
Painfully tears at the mind of a single foe. Dominate deals good Psionic damage and renders a foe helpless, lost in their own mind and unable to defend themselves.​​
Range 20 yards.
Mesmerize painfully assails a target with typical psychic energy, rendering them unconscious. The target will remain asleep for some time, but will awaken if attacked.​
Range 10 yards.
This power terrifies foes within a cone area in front of Wolfgang, causing them to tremble in Fear uncontrollably. The effect is so frightening and overwhelming that the target takes physical damage from the physiological response to this good Psionic attack.​
Range 100 yards.
Psionic Assault
​Mind Probe
​​Grips the mind of a single person for up to several seconds maximum; usually only uses it for brief 1-3 seconds.
Person must be within 5-6 feet of Wolfgang to make this work.
Uses this power to probe mind of a person without them knowing (unless target's psyche is more powerful) and 'read their mind' of what is IMMEDIATELY going through their head; cannot dig into past memories, etc., unless the target is actively thinking about said past memories.
Does not damage target or target's brain or psyche.
Subdue deals good Psionic damage and may leave the targeted foe held in place for a brief time (by taking over the target's muscle functions).
Cyanide Capsule​
In the event that he was ever captured, he retained an amazingly powerful poison and toxic capsule that when bitten on, would immediately poison and toxify the internals of a body, leaving a typical body dead within 12-14 seconds.​
International Relations (Master)
Espionage (Master)
Spying (Master)
Communications (Master)
Encryption (Master)
Martial Arts: Stun attacks-pressure points (professional)
Stealth (Professional)
Disguises (Professional)
Counterfeiting (Professional)
Forger (Professional)
Thief (professional)
Marksmanship (professional)
Resistance to mental torture (proficient)