Unknown (none?)
Wyoming is a creature created from what is best guessed as an unauthorized lab experiment gone wrong. He was found mindlessly 'grazing' the plains of state of Wyoming until some farmers shot at him. In the end it took a huge contingent of G.U.A.R.D. to finally take him down and contain him. Regardless, the people of Wyoming actually put together a campaign to save 'the Bison-Man' whom they'd since started calling 'Wyoming'. Even the state senator got involved in trying to find a way to free the beast (it was, after all, election time!).
Rather than have him caged, GUARD allowed the leader of the American Patrol hero group from Texas, Doctor Warder, to take over care, rehabilitation and responsibility of 'Wyoming'. The people of the state of Wyoming were ecstatic, offering up to drive Wyoming back up to the state of Wyoming any time Wyoming wanted to come visit and 'graze' to his heat's content...so long as he promises not to hurt or damage anyone or anything while there.
Today, "Wyoming" continues to be a valuable and powerful member of the American Patrol team based out of Houston, Texas. When Wyoming was initially found, he possessed the mental faculties of a toddler; today, he is up to a 2nd grade reading level, even though it is VERY slow going in teaching him anything.
Wyoming eats A LOT. He'll mostly 'graze' on wild prairie grass and hay, but he can and does eat meat on occasion. Whenever he 'grazes', expect him to eat between 2 to 3 hours at a time at least twice a day. He DOES NOT like to be interrupted when he is grazing, even by his friends. The last person a few years ago who dared to pull Wyoming's tail while he was grazing is still in a coma.
Wyoming loves his friends and hates his enemies. He doesn't want to kill, but if his friends are threatened to near death, it's going to take a lot to stop Wyoming from killing whomever is hurting his friend(s). HINT: Don't piss off this creature if you value your life.
Power Origin: Science
Combined DNA Physical Enhancement (Bison + Human)
Enhanced Physical Capabilities
Strength is Incredible​
Endurance is Amazing
Agility is Good
Fighting is Good
Body Hide/Protection
Remarkable physical, toxic/toxin, energy, temperate, psionic/mental​
Incredible radiation protections
Amazing material natural bone material​
With strength, can produce up to amazing piercing damage with horns
With Charging, can product up to fantastic piercing damage with horns
Can get up to speed of 70mph​
When impacting in a charging rush, can do 2 levels of damage beyond strength level
Requires a force of at least incredible force/impact to stop his charge once he's at full steam
Incredible leaping of over 400 feet across, 275 feet up and 650 feet down without damage to itself​
LIMITATION: Reduced Cognizance - Brain in under-developed, providing feeble reasoning. Can be educated, but process is 4x tougher/longer than teaching normal human
LIMITATION: Vision - Has poor vision in normal light spectrum; range of vision is only within 40 feet
LIMITATION: Bison Characteristics - Grazing & Danger Sense/Flight - Carries idiosyncrasies of a standard Bison; quick to run away, likes to hang with his 'herd', will fight for his herd, would rather graze than do anything else, is easily spooked and reactionary; will charge/fight anything that tries to hurt him (think like Hulk in 1970s).
Can take up to typical damage and wear and tear versus physical, toxic/toxin, energy, and temperate​
Can provide additional good radiation protection
Shoulder Pads & Straps​
Heavily padded with composite materials lining​
Provides an additional level of protection for when charging
Provides incredible physical, toxic/toxin, temperate and energy protection
Provides amazing radiation protection
Contains a tracker to find Wyoming​
Range: 10 miles
battery lasts for 1 week before it needs to be replaced/recharged
If Wyoming is lost or confused, he's been told to give this 'note' to a figure of authority so as to help explain things and get Wyoming home​
Contains a way to contact the American Patrol or Texas State Government
Provides instructions on how to handle and take care of Wyoming until he can be 'picked up'
Note comes in English, Spanish, French, Chinese and German
American Patrol Smartphone/Earwig
Provides remarkable encrypted transceiver communications​
Range: 25 miles
Excellent material
Battery lasts for 3 days
Magical Port Crystal
Square, 2 in x 2 in. Light blue clear crystal
Used for summoning teammates to bearer's location or bearer to a summoned location
Allows 1 minute response time; bearer can use Latin words to call for help or choose not to be teleported
100,000 mile range
Requires magical recharge after 1 year
Prairie Grass (professional)
American Patrol Operations (Proficient)
Martial Arts: Slam/Stun (Proficient)
Martial Arts: Charging/Blocking (Proficient)
Elementary School Education (BARELY Proficient)
English (Proficient)​
Spanish (BARELY Proficient)