mid 20s
A mysterious young 'witch' from Salem, Massachusetts, she has become a hero in her own right.
One night, a band of creatures only known as "Fir Bolgs" (an ancient Celtic magical creature) was terrorizing Salem. Dozens of people were killed or hurt. Policemen tried shooting them, but was found to be ineffective. As the Fir Bolgs amassed in Salem's Square, attempting to open a mystical portal to allow thousands more Fir Bolgs to cross over, Sister Salem came on the scene.
Using arcane (and dark/death) magical spells, she obliterated dozens of the Fir Bolgs, scattering them throughout the town. By the end of the night, she had set up a ward spell preventing the Fir Bolgs from entering the town ever again.
When approached by the media and police, she was curt yet honest, stating 'without her, a witch, the town would have surely been at the mercy of the Fir Bolgs intended invasion'.
She quickly exited in a puff of black smoke.
Weeks later, several dozen other magical creatures were attacking some Massachusetts townships. The first to arrive were the magical warriors, the "Knights Arcanus", led by the unpopular Samhain Knight. He and his team fought bravely, but were pushed back with the increasing number of creatures. That's when Sister Salem arrived, fending off the creatures with her illusions and magic. Together, they eventually defeated the creatures. When asked to join the Knights Arcanus, Sister Salem remarked, "you are not the team I am foreshadowed to join. No.", and once again, left in a black puff of smoke.
Recently, a militant madman known as "Emperor North" and his "United Canadian Empire" (UCE) troops invaded New England, renaming it "New Canada". They'd hidden several nuclear weapons around New England, threatening to detonate them if any nation or 'hero' was stupid enough to cross him in his new nation. A vigilante known as "Minuteman" brought together several heroes from all over New England, including Sister Salem. She and the hero known as Lexington teamed together to defuse and disable one of the nukes in Massachusetts. They succeeded and drove out the UCE Troopers, saving all of New England. Days later, Minuteman asked if Sister Salem would join his newly formed super-group called the "Yankee Minutemen" she not only said yes, but mentioned this was the team she was fated to be part of.
Since then, Sister Salem, in her own way, has brusquely befriended her new teammates, all the while mentioning that soon, the team would need her to stop a massive magical incursion that would eventually 'destroy humanity'. With those ominous words, she continues to fight alongside the group...but in her very own scary, weird manner.
Power Origin: Magic (Various Schools of Magic)
Spectral Wounds (Charm)
Can manipulate conditions or images in a ranged target's mind that they are being hurt/damaged at good levels (psionic/mental) by whatever 'conceived' attack can hurt them (usually something related to their personal weaknesses)​
Cannot affect robots or programmed equipment without any form of psyche and/or soul
Range: 10 yards
Blind (Arcane)
Using arcane magics, a flash of light at a good level can cause a form of mental/psionic blindness to any and all within range of a 45-degree angle to Sister Salem's gaze​
Range: 10 feet
Effect lasts several seconds to a minute of time (random time and vs. target's psyche)
Invisibility/Group Invisibility Field (Arcane)
Can magically project herself and up to 10 other people/objects as invisible from normal and magical sight at a good level​
Invisibility lasts up to 10 minutes before it has to be successfully reapplied
Only affects those within a 10 foot radius of her location; if a person/object falls outside of her range while invisible, the person/object will become visible
Spectral Phantasm/Ghost Creation (Spirit)
Can create good spectral images of ghosts, herself, others as illusions, real enough for those that believe the images are actually real​, controlling them with mere thought and gesture
Can create up to 10 images max (more than 6 requires concentration and more focus)
Can also call subservient spirits (ghosts) to do the same thing, to which she can control them with mere thought and gesture
Can only control/create these images within 10 yards of her location
Entice (Charm)
Using a good charm influence, she ​can attempt to get a person/animal/being to do what she wills them to do, so long as it is not against the target's true nature or death-defying
Example: Can get a man to wash the dishes, but cannot get a man to kill himself for her
Lasts up to 10 minutes
Doesn't leave any post-effect feeling that the target was being manipulated or 'enticed' by her magic
Visage of Beauty (Charm)
Although already a physically beautiful woman, she can amplify her effect up to good levels, mentally/magically overriding any disgust or disdain a target has about Sister Salem's beauty​
She can deflect the spell's focus to another person/being rather than herself, however, this is a feat she is still learning to control and as such she is still a bit of a novice at, requiring focus and concentration to perform this feat
Effect can last up to 10 minutes, however, she can also reapply the charm consecutively every 10 minutes
Doesn't leave any post-effect feeling that the target was being manipulated or 'enticed' by her magic
Magical Bolt (Arcane)
She can emit good magical energy damage to a target up to 10 yards away​ from her hands
With Staff:
Using her staff as a focus (which she can conjure up from thin air), she gains an additional level of damage, thus emitting excellent magical energy damage to a target up to 20 yards away​
Magical Detection (Divination)
With a minute's amount of time to focus and attune, Sister Salem can detect and track magic from feeble levels and higher​
Range of the detection is dependent upon level of magic being detected (i.e., feeble level=2 yards away; typical=6 yards away; amazing=50 yards away, etc.)
Can be attuned to detecting magic for over 10 hours once the one minute focus period event is complete
NOTE: She also has a unique innate ability to detect typical or greater levels of magic within 6 feet from her location without any effort, even if said magic levels are shielded up to good levels
Health Transference (Holy)
UNIQUE ABILITY (Lost art from Holy School of Magic; was learned by one-on-one training to Sister Salem from her mother; no written process (was told if written down, the power will no longer work ever again for anyone (on this plane of existence, at least))
Can transfer health others to herself at a good level and/or transfer the gained healing energy and transfer it to others by direct touch only​
Range: Can pull from health of others only within 10 feet of her location
Healing rate: 10% of a target's health every 6 seconds
Can maintain this for only 1 minute's maximum time; after she stops the transference (even if its for a one-time short event, she will fall into a 'holy coma' that requires her to go into a coma-like state for the next 1-10 hours, after which she will be fully healed regardless of how little she transferred and/or to whom
1% chance that anyone with Magical lore at an excellent level of learning/recollection would recognize this as Holy magic
Metabolic Increase (Faster/More actions) (Alteration)
Can imbue a target with an increased heart and metabolic rate, allowing the target to operate 20% faster and stronger (with associative endurance levels and acuity)​; can also perform additional feats in the same time one could not do before
Duration for target can only be a max of 10 minutes
After the effects wear off, the target's endurance will drop a whole level and will have to do a check against their reduced state for either being exhausted (but okay), or potential stunned, fainted or even a fall into a coma (fumbled level of check).
WARNING: if conducted along with Invigoration spell, this will double the endurance effects, ESPECIALLY the after effect, wherein the target with loose two whole levels of endurance vice only one to check against ​
Acuity (Accuracy/Perception Gain) (Alteration)
Can ​target a person/being to perceive (intuition) and 'see' things with a greater clarity and understanding to at least a good level or, in lieu, thereof, an additional level of intuitive perception (can target herself as well)
Duration: 10 minutes; range: target must be within 10 yards
Invigoration (Endurance Gain) (Alteration)
Can imbue a target with greater endurance, allowing the target to perform 20% above his/her own endurance levels​
Duration for target can only be a max of 10 minutes
After the effects wear off, the target's endurance will drop a whole level and will have to do a check against their reduced state for either being exhausted (but okay), or potential stunned, fainted or even a fall into a coma (fumbled level of check).
WARNING: if conducted along with Invigoration spell, this will double the endurance effects, ESPECIALLY the after effect, wherein the target with loose two whole levels of endurance vice only one to check against ​
Transference (Transfer sight/perceptions to another) (Charm)
Can psionically/mentally transfer a target's visual view and perceptions ​into a willing additional target's (or Sister Salem's) 'mind's eye', seeing that the first target is seeing
Duration: 10 minutes max; can reapply as needed
After the duration has lapsed, both targets will have a 6-60 second period where they will not be able to see/perceive well; accuracy, vision and perception (intuition) will be down a whole level during this time
DANGER: If receiving target's vision was already feeble in physical nature, there is a 10% chance (fumbled effect) of permanent blindness​ to the receiving target
Dark Ichor Cloud (-Vis) (Dark/Death)
When cast, the cloud emanates from the caster's location outward in all directions expanding to over 20 yards in radius​
This creates a dark cloud of thick, black ichor (thicker than fog) that not only seems to block visivility and light by three levels, it seems to 'crawl' onto any and all in the effected area; once the ichor attaches itself to a person/being/object, it will continue to emanate the dark ichor around the person/being/object it is attached to even if the person/being/object leaves the 20 yard radius
Effect duration: Initial cloud duration - 20 seconds (can be reapplied); When ichor attaches itself to person/being/object - up to 20 minutes
Each several seconds the ichor is attached to each person/being/object, it drains their health/energy to a feeble rate
Can only dispel the ichor with excellent or better lighting for at least 20 seconds (ichor will dissolve and die)
Dark Blast (Dark/Death)
Can project a good dark energy blast from her hands to a max range of 10 yards​
With Staff:
Using her staff as a focus (which she can conjure up from thin air), she gains an additional level of damage, thus emitting excellent dark energy damage to a target up to 20 yards away​
Dark Tentacles (Hold/Immob) (Dark/Death & Conjuration)
Can summon​ a portal (from atop a surface area, not in open air) using conjuration, to open a portal to a dark/death void where creatures with black ichor tentacles reach out and attempt to either immobilize, hold or draw-in targeted persons/being/objects.
Portal can be up to 10 feet wide in diameter only
Portal can only stay open for 10 minutes max (cannot be reapplied for 10 hours)
Can emit up to 10 tentacles at a time
Each tentacles has feeble agility/perception
Each tentacles has good strength
Tentacles drain target(s) health/energy at a feeble rate if immobilized/held (same rate whether if by 1 or 10 tentacles)
Can dispel the dark tentacles with excellent or better lighting applied for several seconds (tentacles will recede and the portal with rapidly close)
Spirit Communication (Spirit Magic)
When cast, she or a targeted person will have the good ability to directly communication with any and all spirits in the astral or spirit plane within 20 yards of the target's location​
Cannot see the spirit, but can hear it as if audible, but only to the target, not anyone else around the target
Duration: 2-20 minutes (variable)
Long Range - Personal (self only)
Can teleport up to 100 miles in a single jaunt​
Can only perform a max of 6 jaunts in a one hour time frame before endurance falters; 10 jaunts max in less than 20 hours will automatically end in a 10 hour coma
Mid Range - Group (10 targets max)
Can teleport additional people, but looses 10 miles per each person teleported versus max teleportation range of 100 miles for one single person (example: 6 people = only 40 miles teleport range)​
Can only perform 2 jaunts per hour or will fall into an automatic 1-hour coma coupled with an additional hour of a reduced endurance level
Close Range - Enemy/Ally (1 target at a time)
Can teleport a target (ally or enemy or object) from 100 yards away to within 6 feet of the caster​ or vice versa (6 feet away to as far as 100 yards)
Can only do this 10 times in an hour's time or caster will fall into an automatic 1-hour coma coupled with an additional hour of being in a reduced endurance level
Requires one minute of time between castings due to spell's nature
HOVER (Arcane)
Can levitate and slowly fly at less than 10 mph at a maximum altitude of 100 feet above ground level (AGL)
Can do this for only 10 minutes max; will require 1- hour rest time before she can levitate again
Cannot hover/fly with anything greater than 100 lbs of additional weight
Wards of the Witches (Cloak's Skulls) (Arcane)
When within 1 foot of her location, the wards provide an invisible magical shield for the following:
Good physical, toxin/toxic and energy protection
Excellent temperate and radiation protection
Each ward provides 100 hours of protection each; combined: 200 hours
Wards must be re-enchanted through a complex (yet memorized) ritual that requires 10 minutes to fully charge each ward ( 20 minutes total)
Magically resistant at incredible levels
Cloak of the Divine Witch (Cape) (Divination)
Provides amazing level of magical invisibility to anyone attempting to detect or track her or her magics
Never needs recharging
Stops working if she gets greater than 50 yards from the cloak
Magically resistant at incredible levels
Cover of the Coven Queen (Hat) (Arcane)
Provides a remarkable level of protection from psionic, mental and magical-based deceit/influence powers or control on the wearer
Never needs recharging
Magically resistant at incredible levels
Encrypted communications transceiver with 25 mile range (without cellular towers/satellite access) or unlimited range with cellular towers/satellite access
3-day battery charge
Remarkable material
Arcane Magic (Professional)
Divination Magic (Proficient)
Death/Dark Magic (Barely Proficient)
Conjuration Magic (Proficient)
Alteration Magic (Proficient)
Spirit Magic (Barely Proficient)
Charm (Professional)
Magic Relics (Proficient)
Wicca (Professional)
Environment/Nature (Professional)
Weather (Proficient)
Animal Empathy (Proficient)
Arcane books, tomes, documents (Professional)
Alchemy (Professional)
Potions/Concoctions (Professional)
English (Master)
Latin (Proficient)
Celtic (Professional)
Norse (Proficient)
Roman/Italian (Proficient)
Spanish (Proficient)
Old French (Proficient)
Wiccan Symbiology/Terms (Professional)