Branco Dulic
Secret (believed dead)
mid 20s
Branco Dulic is an aggressive, highly trained European mercenary that went from solo work to taking on the most challenging assassinations in the world with the Death Legion assassins guild.
Born in what was once Yugoslavia, Branco's family quickly died amidst the war-torn state their region was in for over 10 years. He was later trained as a Serbian sniper and then a Bosnian weapons expert. Each year, his skills grew as did his disdain for humanity. Doing assassinations came naturally to him, actually gave Branco the only thrill he enjoyed.
Once war crime trials started in the region, Branco took off and changed his name and residence several times until he was finally taken in by the CIA in America. There, it didn't take long before Branco was deemed 'too dangerous to live'. All international police and spy agencies were sent out to capture and contain him.
Branco killed 33 agents and police that tried to kill him during this time.
Finally, out of nowhere, an official statement was published that Branco Dulic had been found and died in a fiery 'gun fight' and that his remains had been verified to be him. As such, the hunt for Branco died off as well. Shortly thereafter, Branco came face to face with the leader of the Death Legion assassin's guild, Deathmaster himself. Deathmaster stated he was the one that faked Branco's death and was hoping Branco would come work for Death Legion as one of their master assassins, given a new look and a new code-name, "Redshot".
Branco agreed, and has become one of the best assassins in the guild. During this time, he met a woman, working at that time as a prostitute, and discovered she not only had incredible skills as an Olympic-level archer, but that she was as broken as he was. Branco helped her get clean of drugs and alcohol and she help him feel like he had someone to care for. She eventually became his partner and calls herself "Redbow".
Today, Redshot continues working with Death Legion as well as his partner in murder and love, Redshot.
Power Origin: Natural
Has no powers.
Redshot's Rifle ("Red Rover"):
Amazing composite material, all very lightweight yet durable and perfectly and professionally made.
Voice activated rifle that can fire, rotate, elevate, etc. with Serbian coded words only from Redshot.
Takes specialized ammunition magazines only; carries magazines of ammunition on chest straps that can do the following:
Normal rifle bullets (Good damage) (5 bursts/clip x 6 clips)
Explosive tipped (excellent damage) (4 bursts/clip x 2 clips)
Armor Piercing (can shoot through incredible armor) (2 bursts/clip x 2 clips)
Incendiary (excellent thermal) (3 bursts/clip x 1 clip)
Freeze (excellent ice) (3 bursts/clip x 1 clip)
Flare (excellent blinding, poor fire damage) (2 bursts/clip x 1 clip)
Acidic (excellent toxin) (2 bursts/clip x 1 clip)
Sleep gas (excellent potency) (2 bursts/clip x 1 clip)
0.45 Calibur ​Pistols (2):
Amazing material strength​
Typical shooting
Pierces good material
Can hold magazines with 20 bullets
Carries 6 magazines of pistol ammunition in quick loaders
Garrote (1):​
amazing material strength wire used in slice/cutting like a wire saw
Knives (6):
Amazing material strength
Full communications encrypted transceiver suite (battery=10 hours); range - 25 miles
Death Legion issue
Good flash protection
Video recorder and transmitter with WiFi broadcasting
Marksmanship (Master)
Assassin/Mercenary/Sniper/Hunter (Professional)
European Lore (Professional)
Weapons-master ((Professional)
Ammunition designer (Professional)
Martial Arts: Fighting (Professional)
Martial Arts: Dodge/Evade (Professional)
Martial Arts: +Initiative (Proficient)
Gunsmith (Professional)
Stealth (Professional)
Race Car Driver (Professional)
Pilot (Proficient)
Helicopter Pilot (Proficient)
Rappelling/Mountain Climbing (Professional)
Snowboarding (Proficient)
Decathlon (Proficient)